For Sponsors | Glovance Ventures
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Empower Canada's Startup Ecosystem

Discover a world of opportunity with Glovance Ventures. Join us in shaping innovative Canadian startups and unlock the potential of a stable, thriving economy. As a Sponsor, not only do you diversify your portfolio, but the Startup Visa Program offers a unique chance for you and your family to apply for Canadian residency. Dive into a venture landscape where growth meets stability.

Strategic Investment Approach

Partnership in Innovation

Engage in a distinctive partnership model with Glovance Ventures, where collaboration and innovation take center stage. Our approach facilitates your association with a high-potential startup, allowing you to be an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey as a supportive collaborator, while an experienced entrepreneur manages the operational aspects.


Your commitment as a sponsor entrepreneur enables you to be part of a pioneering venture, permitting you and the lead entrepreneur to collectively apply for the Startup Visa Canada. This program transcends beyond the conventional scope; it's about cultivating strategic alliances with leading talents and innovators.


By partnering with visionary entrepreneurs, you become part of a venture poised for significant market impact, benefiting from the rich and varied opportunities within the Canadian startup ecosystem.

Our Process

Glovance Ventures Process

Unique Market Opportunities

Explore unique opportunities in the Canadian startup ecosystem, known for its stability and innovation. Glovance Ventures offers access to a thriving market with diverse prospects.


Access to emerging sector startups.


Opportunities in a stable economic market.


Portfolio diversification with growth potential.

Toronto City

Startup Visa Program (SUV) Benefits

Gateway to Canadian Residency


Gateway to Canadian Residency

Leverage the Startup Visa Program as a pathway to Canadian residency, offering a life-changing opportunity for you and your family to live and work in one of the world's most stable and welcoming countries.


Extensive Business Networks

Join an expansive network of Canadian entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders. This program opens doors to vital connections that can accelerate the growth and success of your startup.


Access to a Flourishing Economy

Benefit from Canada's thriving economic environment. The Startup Visa Program places you at the heart of a robust, innovation-driven market, ideal for growing your investment and business prospects.


Tailored Entrepreneurial Support

Experience customized support tailored to your startup's needs. The program provides resources, guidance, and mentorship crucial for navigating and succeeding in the Canadian business landscape.

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